Thursday, November 8, 2012

My baby is gone

Well, I think it would be impossible not to write a blog post about this because it's pretty much all I can think about it. My Iphone was stolen this weekend. I've been to Russia and Turkey but nope, it was stolen in my darling little Copenhagen. For a while I was optimistic that it would be returned. Denial, one might call it. But today it's finally hit me, I won't be seeing it again. Tragic, maybe not but it sure feels like it. I vacillate between depression and feeling ridiculous for being depressed about losing a phone.

All of my pictures and memories are gone, I no longer have a camera, or helpful travel apps, or music for the 6 hour bus ride I will be taking on Saturday. I didn't realize how much I relied on that ridiculous overpriced piece of technology until it's gone. My poor baby is out there somewhere. I mayyyy have had an emotional breakdown in the Apple store this morning...definitely a low point of the travel abroad experience.

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