I have a confession to make. I'm not proud of it but it was inevitable. I finally combined peanut butter and pickles. I know, I can imagine your face now. Don't judge. Desperate times call for extreme food combinations. It wasn't really that bad, but definitely don't see it becoming a habit. I tell you this not to gross you out, but to better prepare you for the next bit of information...I was in charge of cooking for my house this week. Clearly I have no standards when cooking for myself so cooking for others is an entirely new and frightening ball park. Every week we get food from the co-op and cook with what we get in our bags. This was my week. Thankfully, I had some great helpers who basically took the reigns. I'm actually very impressed with what we managed to accomplish. With the 2 pumpkins, we made a roasted pumpkin and beet thing, with the ridiculous amount of parsley and celery we made a parsley and celery salad with raisins and white balsamic vinegar. With the pointy cabbage, we made a really delicious cabbage, coconut milk, potato and carrot blend. With the white beans we made a dip and then with the swiss chard we prepared them like kale chips. Oh, and it was a potluck with some Danes so we made some "ants on a log" (of course, no meal is complete without peanut butter). Overall, I'd say it was a success.
Thursday night was even better because I met my Danish visiting family for the first time! My roommate and I are sharing our couple so we took the bus to the outskirts of Copenhagen and Lotte (our Danish mom) met us at the bus stop and walked us to her house where we talked for hours around the dinner table. It was so great to be in a real house and with delicious food and with such nice people and lots of candles (part of the whole Danish "hygge" thing.) It was wonderful. Both our Danish mom and dad work in the city and are both full of information. It was fun to talk about the Denmark and what we had noticed and hear their opinions on all of the things we had learned about. Opinions about the tax system, the lack of day-light, the candles, and you know, some other Danish conversation topics. It was a really great night and by the time we got home I had to read and study (eww, that thing called homework again).
Just some more pretty pictures of my new favorite city
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