If you know me, you know that I don't cook. So this whole cooking for myself thing has been interesting. You may be wondering, I know my mom is, how I keep from starving. Well, for those of us without host families, we're on our own. DIS gives us a card that can be used at a number of grocery stores that is supposed to help us with a good portion of our food costs. The Netto (the cheapest and closest grocery store) has, after the fifth trip, become a bit less overwhelming. There's still a level a mystery involved but I guess trial and error is the best way to do it (major language barriers). The combination between a complete lack of cooking abilities and the inherent mystery in picking out foods where you can't even begin to read any labels, provides for some interesting food choices.
My roommates have already started making fun of my tendency to eat raw vegetables 90% of the time. Eggs, vegetables and a whole lot of apples are my diet. Oh, and of course my snack food of choice: pickles. I can't stop eating pickles. Here's a picture of everyone cooking a nice dinner...while I eat some pickles. I've started some stir-fry action which keeps things a bit more interesting but I don't see myself getting a whole lot more adventurous from there. We shall see.
At the rate I'm going, it seems inevitable that pickles will start to get a bit old but at this point, I don't see an end in sight.